Cov khoom
10C Air screen cleaner
Cov noob ntxuav thiab cov nplej ntxuav nws tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov plua plav thiab lub teeb impurities los ntawm lub tshuab cua ntsug, Tom qab ntawd cov thawv vibrating tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov impurities loj thiab me, thiab Cov nplej thiab cov noob tuaj yeem sib cais loj, nruab nrab thiab me me los ntawm sib txawv sieves. thiab nws tuaj yeem tshem cov pob zeb.
Grading tshuab & taum grader
Beans grader tshuab & grading tshuab nws siv tau rau taum, taum raum, taum soya, mung taum, grains.peanuts thiab sesame noob.
No taum grader tshuab & grading tshuab yog cais cov nplej, noob thiab taum kom sib txawv. Tsuas yog yuav tsum tau hloov qhov sib txawv ntawm stainless hlau sieves.
Lub caij no nws tuaj yeem tshem tawm qhov me me impurities thiab loj impurities ntxiv, Muaj 4 txheej thiab 5 txheej thiab 8 txheej txheej tshuab rau koj xaiv. -
Hnab Stitching Tshuab
● Lub tshuab ntim khoom pib no muaj cov cuab yeej tsis siv neeg uas hnyav, conveyor, sealing ntaus ntawv thiab lub computer tswj.
● Kev ntsuas ceev ceev, ntsuas qhov tseeb, qhov chaw me me, ua haujlwm yooj yim.
● Ib qho nplai thiab ob chav nplai, 10-100kg nplai ib lub hnab pp.
● Nws muaj lub tshuab xaws nws pib thiab nws pib txiav threading . -
Pulses thiab taum ua cog thiab pulses thiab taum tu kab
Lub peev xwm: 3000kg-10000kg ib teev
Nws tuaj yeem ntxuav taumung taum, taum soya, taum pulses, taum kas fes
Cov kab ua haujlwm suav nrog cov tshuab raws li hauv qab no.
5TBF-10 huab cua tshuaj ntsuam xyuas raws li Pre-cleaner tshem tawm cov plua plav thiab lager thiab me me impurities, 5TBM-5 Sib Nqus Sib Nqus Sib Nqus tshem tawm cov clods, TBDS-10 De-stoner tshem cov pob zeb, 5TBG-8 lub ntiajteb txawj nqus separator tshem tawm cov taum phem thiab tawg. , Polishing tshuab tshem tawm cov plua plav ntawm taum nto. DTY-10M II of the elevator loading the taum and pulses to the processing machine, Color sorter machine remove the different color beans and TBP-100A packing machine in the final section pack bag to loading containers, Dust collector system for keep warehouse clean. -
Air screen cleaner nrog lub rooj nqus nqus
Cov tshuaj ntsuam huab cua tuaj yeem tshem tawm lub teeb impurities xws li plua plav, nplooj, qee cov nplaum, Lub thawv vibrating tuaj yeem tshem tawm me me impurity. Tom qab ntawd lub ntiajteb txawj nqus tuaj yeem tshem tawm qee qhov teeb meem tsis huv xws li cov nplaum, cov plhaub, cov kab tua kab. rov qab ib nrab npo tshem tawm cov impurities loj thiab me dua. Thiab lub tshuab no tuaj yeem cais cov pob zeb nrog qhov sib txawv ntawm cov nplej / cov noob, Qhov no yog tag nrho cov dej ntws ua haujlwm thaum lub tshuab nqus tsev nqus dej ua haujlwm.
Ob chav cua tshuaj ntsuam ntxuav
Muab ob npaug rau lub tshuab nqus tsev ntxhua khaub ncaws zoo heev rau kev ntxuav cov noob hnav thiab paj noob hlis thiab chia noob, Vim tias nws tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov plua plav nplooj thiab lub teeb impurities zoo heev. Lub tshuab nqus tsev ob chav cua tuaj yeem ntxuav lub teeb impurities thiab cov khoom txawv teb chaws los ntawm lub tshuab cua ntsug, Tom qab vibrating lub thawv tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov impurities loj thiab me thiab cov khoom txawv teb chaws. Lub caij no, cov khoom siv tuaj yeem sib cais ua qhov loj, nruab nrab thiab me me thaum sib txawv me me sieves. Lub tshuab no tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov pob zeb, Lub tshuab cua thib ob tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov plua plav tawm ntawm cov khoom kawg dua rau kev txhim kho cov noob hnav purity.
Sesame destoner taum gravity destoner
Kev tshaj lij tshuab rau tshem tawm pob zeb los ntawm cov nplej thiab nplej thiab noob hnav.
TBDS-7 / TBDS-10 tshuab hom gravity de stoner yog cais cov pob zeb los ntawm kev kho cua, Cov khoom siv loj dua cov pob zeb yuav txav los ntawm hauv qab mus rau sab sauv ntawm lub rooj nqus, cov khoom kawg xws li nplej, noob hnav thiab taum yuav ntws. mus rau hauv qab ntawm lub rooj sib nqus. -
Lub ntiajteb txawj nqus separator
Kev tshaj lij tshuab rau tshem tawm cov nplej tsis zoo thiab raug mob thiab cov noob los ntawm cov nplej zoo thiab cov noob zoo.
5TB Lub ntiajteb txawj nqus cais nws tuaj yeem tshem tawm cov nplej thiab cov noob, cov noob qoob loo thiab cov noob, cov noob puas, cov noob raug mob, cov noob lwj, cov noob tsis zoo, cov noob pwm, cov noob tsis muaj txiaj ntsig thiab lub plhaub los ntawm cov nplej zoo, cov pulses zoo, cov noob zoo, cov noob hnav zoo. zoo nplej, NW nyuam qhuav, pob kws, txhua yam noob. -
Sib nqus separator
5TB-Magnetic separator nws muaj peev xwm ua tau: noob taum, taum, taum soya, taum raum, mov, noob thiab ntau yam nplej.
Sib Nqus Separator yuav tshem tawm cov hlau thiab hlau nplaum thiab cov av los ntawm cov khoom siv, thaum cov nplej los yog taum los yog cov noob hnav pub rau hauv cov hlau nplaum sib nqus, cov siv conveyor yuav thauj mus rau cov hlau nplaum muaj zog, tag nrho cov khoom yuav raug muab pov tseg thaum kawg. ntawm cov khoom siv conveyor, vim tias qhov sib txawv ntawm lub zog sib nqus ntawm cov hlau thiab hlau nplaum thiab cov av, lawv txoj kev khiav yuav hloov, ces nws yuav cais tawm ntawm cov nplej zoo thiab taum thiab noob hnav.
Qhov ntawd yog li cas lub tshuab clod remover ua haujlwm. -
Taum polisher raum polishing tshuab
Taum polishing tshuab nws tuaj yeem tshem tawm tag nrho cov plua plav saum npoo rau txhua hom taum zoo li taum taum, taum taum, thiab taum raum.
Raws li kev sau cov taum los ntawm kev ua liaj ua teb, yeej ib txwm muaj plua plav nyob rau saum npoo ntawm taum, yog li peb xav tau polishing kom tshem tawm tag nrho cov plua plav ntawm cov taum, kom cov taum huv si thiab ci ntsa iab, thiaj li tuaj yeem txhim kho tus nqi ntawm cov taum. taum, Rau peb taum polishing tshuab thiab lub raum polisher, muaj qhov zoo dua rau peb lub tshuab polishing, Raws li peb paub thaum lub tshuab polishing ua haujlwm, ib txwm muaj qee cov taum zoo yuav tawg los ntawm polisher, yog li Peb tsim nws yog rau txo cov tawg cov nqi thaum lub tshuab khiav, Cov nqi tawg tsis tuaj yeem tshaj 0.05%. -
Xim sorter & taum xim sorting tshuab
Nws siv rau hauv cov nplej thiab nplej, taum thiab pulses, nplej, pob kws, noob hnav noob thiab taum kas fes thiab lwm yam.
Nws pib ntim thiab pib tshuab xaws
● Lub tshuab ntim khoom pib no muaj cov cuab yeej tsis siv neeg uas hnyav, conveyor, sealing ntaus ntawv thiab lub computer tswj.
● Kev ntsuas ceev ceev, ntsuas qhov tseeb, qhov chaw me me, ua haujlwm yooj yim.
● Ib qho nplai thiab ob chav nplai, 10-100kg nplai ib lub hnab pp.
● Nws muaj lub tshuab xaws nws pib thiab nws pib txiav threading .